Search Results

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Search results matching the query for the Ilokano word:


English Word: Definition:
  1. a woman joined in marriage to a man; a woman considered in relation to her husband; spouse. (n.)
  2. Note: Click on the definition for more detailed information.

English Word: Definition:
  1. having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature. (adj.)
  2. Note: Click on the definition for more detailed information.

English Word: Definition:
old woman
  1. a woman who is old. (n.)
  2. Note: Click on the definition for more detailed information.

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  1. bassit
  2. bigat
  3. biskwit
  4. bestido
  5. bisita
  6. bagkat
  7. bagtit
  8. buksit
  9. bakwit

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