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Search results matching the query for the Ilokano word:


English Word: Definition:
  1. a domesticated hoofed mammal of the horse family with long ears and a braying call, used as a beast of burden; an ass. (n.)
  2. Note: Click on the definition for more detailed information.

English Word: Definition:
  1. a burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail. (n.)
  2. Note: Click on the definition for more detailed information.

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  1. kama
  2. kanen
  3. kusina
  4. kan
  5. kuna
  6. kuyogen
  7. kaammo-ammo
  8. kanayon
  9. ken
  10. kaano
  11. kukuam
  12. kuam
  13. kunam
  14. kasano
  15. kaniana
  16. kanyam
  17. kannawan
  18. kaawan

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